The world/our culture is kind of like a box. Some people cram themselves inside it. Some people adventurously live outside of it.
And then there' Stuck in the wrestling match between my true self and this fake self I become to please other people...and I start to wonder.

What do people think about me?
Do they like me? Do they think I'm pretty? Do they like the way I dress? Am I too shy? Too outgoing? Too naïve? Too expressive? Too “out there?”
Then I start trying to be this “person,” to try to fit into other people's expectations.
{Wait a second.}
Should I really let people's opinions of me define what I think about myself?
If they say I'm pretty, then I am? If they say I'm not pretty, then I'm not?
If you let people define you, you crawl into a {box} enclosed by society's pretty looking walls, decorated by society's expectations.
Here's my point. You're unique. You're you. You don't need the box.
I used to climb into the {box} of other people's opinions. I tried to change myself. Just so they would like me.
Then I remembered someone who likes me. All the time.
Jesus likes me. He loves who I am. He likes what I look like. He likes my naivety. He formed me and created me and there's no one exactly like me. Anywhere.
I live my life for Him. I listen to Him and He says I am His “MASTERPIECE” {whoah} eph. 2:10
Because I live for Christ and listen to Him, my life is thus lived outside the {box}which means I don't fit into the world's box. And I don't have to try to fit into the world's box.
And then I can breathe. And then I see that I was created for something better. I like me.
And I like what Jesus thinks about me. It's honest, everlasting, and He thinks I'M beautiful, and it's personal, just in the way He created me.
I like this Voice better.
Goodbye {box}. I don't really need you.
Peace, love, and torn up boxes,
Loved this! Definitely made me smile! And totally relevant today. Sometimes, unconsciously we climb into boxes that define how we should act, what we should say, wear...etc. But seeing as we're not of this world, we are so much better than that! Nicely written !
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I LOVE this, Julian! So beautiful :]